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FileOrganizer 1.0.2 Launched


The FileOrganizer team has released version 1.0.2.
This version has many improvements for the FileOrganizer.
The following is a list of changes :

  • [Feature] Added theme option for file manager, now you can change theme of file manager.
  • [Feature] Added some settings to configure FileOrganizer file manager.
  • [Feature] Added option to enable Trash. Now you can Enable/Disable Trash feature for File Manager from Settings page.
  • [Pro-Feature] Added "Allowed user roles" option to allow selected users to access File Manager.
  • [Pro-Feature] Added options to restrict features and set limited access to FileOrganizer by users and user roles.

We will be launching many more changes in the upcoming version.
We would also like to thank the WordPress community as we have reached 30,000+ active FileOrganizer users.

The FileOrganizer Team

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