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FileOrganizer Settings


This documentation explains the FileOrganizer Settings and how to access them. To get started, go to the FileOrganizer Settings Page. There, you'll find different tabs with important information that affects the File manager's functionality.

FileOrganizer Settings


The following image displays the FileOrganizer General Settings and the various available options:
  • Server Root Path: You can provide the custom path for a file manager in this field. This allows you to easily access the specific directory you desire without any hassle.
    Note: FileOrganizer does not accept path located outside of the WordPress directory.
  • Files View: You can select your preferred folder view from the dropdown menu, such as icons or a list.
  • Select Language: You can select your preferred File manager language from the dropdown menu.
  • Hide .htaccess: By enabling this option, any existing .htaccess files will be hidden from the file manager.
  • Enable Trash: Enabling this option will temporarily store the file in the trash after it has been deleted.

Advanced (Pro)

The following image displays the FileOrganizer Advanced Settings and the various available options:
  • Allowed User Roles: You can select user roles from here to access the FileOrganizer.
  • Maximum Upload Size: This allows you to set maximum file upload size for the file manager
  • Enable network volume: Enabling this option will allow you to attach network volume within in File Manager.


Here you find the support email id of FileOrganizer. Whenever you find any issue related to FileOrganizer you can generate a ticket at or email at the mentioned email Id.
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